January 20, 2012

15 Months...

My sweet boys.  How 15 months have passed too quickly.  You truly are my two favorite little people around.  Mommy and Daddy are so lucky to have you!

Noah (28.8 lbs. 34 inches)
You are such a delight little guy!  You have more personality than your little body can handle sometimes and you make us laugh all the time.  You are very determined little one, but also very laid back most of the time.  (Unless your bother takes your ball.)  You love to dance and you just can't seem to stop the wiggles when you hear music.  You talk all day long most days in a language only you seem to understand.  Your have a pretty good vocabulary and some the words we do understand include: "Ba" - bottle, car, cup, drink, ball, "baboom" - balloon, apple, cat, squash, "plsshe" - please, eat, bath, cow, duck, dog, "tuck" - truck, up, book, out, tent, walk, "bankie" - blankie, and "pass" - paci,  hi, and bye-bye.  You love - love - love taking a bath and ask for it every night and often a few times throughout the day too!  Your favorite play things are balls, books, and "bubs" - bubbles.  You also squeal with excitement each time we bring out your tunnel or tent. Your best friend is your brother and I think I have even heard you say his name a few times.  You are a fairly picky eater, and still wake up each night to eat at either 11pm or 3am.  You just started consistently walking around on your own this past week without prompting and we are so very proud of you!  You continue to be on your own schedule sweet thing and that is just fine with us!  We love you to the moon and back plus more.

Cooper  (30 lbs. 35 inches)
We love to pieces big guy! You are such a friendly, sweet, snuggly thing and we love, love the hugs and kisses that you give so freely. You are so tenderhearted and you often share and offer comfort without request from Mommy or Daddy.   Our favorite is your "tackle hug."  You are crazy strong sweet one and we are still learning how to help you manage this.  Your vocabulary is growing each day (thanks to improved hearing from your tubes) and your most consistent words include:  "Ba" - bottle, "pass" - paci, car, "god" - dog,  cat, cow, "hoo" - shoe, night-night, bye-bye, "da" - daddy, out, "bah" - bath, "crack" - cracker, snack, ball and hat.  You enjoy using your baby sign language, and often clap for yourself after we understand what you are telling us.  You play with all of your toys equally, but right now your favorites seem to be your slide, books, your piano, and the pirate ship your Uncle Matt and Aunt Braeton gave you for Christmas.  And when you play- man do you play hard!  We call you our little bulldozer for a reason! You are the curious one and sometimes that can get you into trouble.  You love to climb on things just like your brother, especially your train table. You enjoy eating, and there isn't much you won't try or eat!  Most days when you have finished your meal, you like to pull your highchair over to your brothers and help him finish his.  You also head straight to your chair and stand in front of it when you hear Mommy say its time to eat.  Ha!  You have been walking around for a few months and have recently started running. It's so cute! In general, you are a very happy guy and greet us each morning with a big smile and wave.  Coopie you make our hearts smile all the time.  We love you. We love you. We love you!

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